Course: Supporting People with Learning Disabilities Living with Voice Hearing Experiences – 7 March 2018


To develop knowledge of what it means to hear voices that other people can’t hear, why people might have these experiences, and how to support people to cope with these experiences better.


Anyone supporting an adult with a learning disability who hears voices
that other people cannot hear.


  • Myth-busting : exploring what ‘hearing voices’ really means
  • Jargon—how do mental health services talk about these experiences, and what do their words mean?
  • Exploring different theories about why people hear voices
  • Learning more about triggers for voice-hearing
  • Learning about practical coping skills and how you can help people who hear voices to feel less distressed or manage Trigger situations to reduce the likelihood of voice-hearing
  • How and when to seek input from mental health services.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course the participants should:

  • Be more knowledgeable about what it means to hear voices
  • Have some ideas about the different reasons why people hear voices
  • Feel more confident in supporting their clients to learn about triggers
    for voice-hearing
  • Feel more confident in supporting their clients to cope with any
    distress related to hearing voices

Click to download flyer 

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