About Us

Mencap wrote a report called ‘Death by indifference’ in 2007. The report was about 6 people with learning disabilities who should not have died. At Health Education England we want to make sure that staff that work people that have Intellectual Disabilities have the rights skills and values, in the right place at the right time.

“Health Education England (HEE) exists for one reason only: to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place.”

HEE runs as a single organisation, across five regional hubs across 12 local offices. The Intellectual Disabilities programme is a regional programme working across the south east of England.

The programme has a single aim:

“to create a sustainable and secure workforce supply, for people that have Intellectual Disabilities and/ or Autism, who require support from and/ or access to services”

All of our work is about how the workforce can support people with an Intellectual Disability to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The programme began in Kent, Surrey & Sussex during 2013 and remains a trail-blazer within HEE as it is the only programme of this type. In September 2017 it expanded to include London for a year, in April 2018 it further expanded to include the whole of the South up until April 2020.

If you would like to read the reports from any of the work we have supported we have a full version and an easy ready summary available on the reports page of this website. If you would like to talk about or share this work on social media please use the hash tag #SouthID (a hash tag allows us to read what you are talking about).

Contact us

Twitter names is @HEE_SouthID

Email address is SouthID@hee.nhs.uk